Replacement Sea Kayak Seat
If you are experiencing numbess, soreness or rubbing on your legs when in your sea kayak the bumfortable can help you. If you're fed up of your hard, badly molded sea kayak seat please read on. We believe the Bumfortable is the best kayak seat available.
The Bumfortable will drop in and replace your existing seat, it relieves the vast majority of comfort & kayaking related circulation problems/abrasion when fitted without any further modification.
Composite ( glass and/or carbon ) sea kayaks are a dream to paddle, but all too often the seat fitted to your dream kayak will suit no-one but the original kayak designer. To extend the length of time you can paddle for, and to increase the feeling in your legs at the end - fit a seat that works for you.
The only kayak situation a Bumfortable doesn't easily work in is when a sea kayak seat forms a part of the rear bulkhead. That bulkhead is going to be both a safety feature and a structural element of your kayak. You can still fit a Bumfortable to such a boat consider building in a closed cell foam bulkhead to replace the seat-bulkhead you're removing. How easy or hard this is depends on the shape of the kayak hull deck, the less contours/changes in angle you have to work with the easier it is.
On occasion the seat may need rotating forward or a little 'hands on' modification with a scalpel - but needing such modifications is pretty exceptional. We don't even manufacture the 'tilt kits' to rotate the seat anymore, sales were single digit each year, but if it turns out you need a tilt kit we can help you.
No more numb legs, no more collapsing when you try and get out of your kayak, no more pressure points. Get the best and most comfortable seat available.
Check out our seat fitting instructions to see how you can do it.
QK Skua Sea Kayak Bumfortable Fitting solution
Big shout out to Adam at Canoe and Kayak Manukau for the following detailed description of how he fitted a Bumfortable to a QK Skua:
Almost there! You may be interested in keeping these images and info on hand for any other customers who want to use a bumfortable in their QK kayak.
Basically I have added foam to the supplied GurneyGears wedges to make them thicker as the QK Skua is wider than what they cater for. After cutting them roughly to shape with a saw, I used a rasp to carve the wedges to suit the profile of the hull side and then to suit the profile of the seat. After eyeballing the shape. I placed everything in the kayak and sat in the seat to feel where any pressure points are, and then carve these away.
Will be gluing it all in using Ados f2.
Note when removing the original QK seat, I had to use a mallet to twist it out, after unbolting the rudder cables which thread through the original seat itself. Had to use a dremel to cut slots so I could remove the cables from the original seat. I may cut a slot in the wedges to accommodate the cables.
Adam Kerr
Canoe and Kayak Manukau