Customising your Bumfortable for Stability
Centre of Gravity & Metacentric Height
Flag all the scientific jargon! Stability of your kayak will be affected by how low you can get in the kayak. Lower is more stable. (However sitting higher will allow you to be more efficient with your stroke by “getting over the water”). Narrow hulls limit how low you can get because you end up wedging your hips into the taper of the hull. (Picture top Right) After one to two hours, this wedging can become unbearably painful. I have designed the Bumfortable seat to get you as low as you can without sacrificing comfort. Places to trim the bottom of your Bumfortable to lower your center of gravity

Customised fit
If you are still finding you kayak too tippy, there are some adjustments you can make but be aware there are limits to how low you can go.
Try trimming bits off the Bumfortable as suggested below. Start with small adjustments and work in increments. It’s much easier to take it off than add it back on!

Disclaimer: Any alterations are your own responsibility
- Select the right Bumfortable model - and contact us if you're not sure
- Try trimming 5 to 10 mm off the ridges underneath the seat and the adjacent edge with a bread knife or hacksaw blade.
- Try cutting out some of the contact area on the sides to effectively add width to the seat.